+91 72178 89151


+ 971 50 128 3281



Wellness defines the natural balance of the body, mind and soul that results in a state of complete purity.

We believe nature has been fair to every corner of the earth by giving various natural offerings to every civilization to live and prosper and has also given reason & path of knowledge to determine the benefits. It is the responsibility of each civilization to give tribute by sharing for the well-being of human kind.

We believe there are always few things in the world that will make you feel as alive as being born again.

ADA Wellness is a medium contributing to bring you close back to the nature and its offerings. It promises to bring you those essential products carried by great civilizations following a long tradition of producing the most natural and highest quality wellness, beauty, healthcare and personal care products. Products carefully chosen from rightful places among the world’s top destinations for wellness.

We are not just in the business of wellness. We are in the business of ‘sharing’ — sharing believes, culture, heritage, knowledge, innovation and henceforth sharing ultimate gift of nature - ‘Purity’.

Product Category

Considering our believes our Product Category are carefully choose on 3 basic principles – Natural, Innovative or Technology driven products contributing for wellness of human being. List of category includes:

  • Lifestyle Wellness Products
  • Traditional Wellness Products
  • Natural Personal Care
  • Personal Sanitization Products
  • Personal Fitness Equipments
  • Physical Training Equipments
  • Institutional Hygiene Equipments
  • fitness equipments
  • training mats

